Before you go car shopping or cut a check for the deposit, do some research to determine if you might run into trouble in any area. These are just a few reasons why someone might buy a car without having a valid driver’s license.īuying a car without a license is not that difficult, but you should do some prep work ahead of time. If you are an unlicensed driver but have a chauffeur who drives you around, you will most likely need to buy a car for them to operate. So that you can ensure the vehicle for an underaged driver.You have the money to pay for a vehicle but can’t drive it, so you buy it allow your child or spouse to drive it.Some people buy collectible cars that they will never drive but want to own.If you have a disability that prevents you from driving, you could buy a car for your caregiver so that they can drive you around.
#Driver detective registration cost drivers#
Maybe you own a business and need to purchase vehicles for your employed drivers but want to retain ownership of the vehicle.You might be a teenager who has a learner's permit but hasn’t yet earned their driver’s license but wants to have a car ready for as soon as you do.Perhaps you want to buy a car as a gift for a loved one or family member.There are various situations where you might want to buy a car without a license. There are no laws preventing you from buying, financing, and even insuring a vehicle even if you don’t have a driver’s license. You know you can’t drive without a license, but if you were wondering, can you buy a car without a license? The answer is yes.